Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reference Sheet

5.http://www.wayfarersbookshop.com/July2012Catalogue.php (new)

Improve Human Impact

Madagascar has made an effort to improve human impacts but they still have a long way to go. The government  established natural reserves in 1927. Most of the tropical rainforest found today are in national parks like:Masoala National Park, Ranomafana National Park, Mananara Biosphere Reserve, which includes the Verezanantsoro National Park, Ambatovaky Special Reserve, and Zahamena Integral Nature Reserve and National Park. Even though the government has made efforts to protect this areas only 3 percent of the forest is protected. The rest of the forest is not being protected correctly due to economical reasons. The future of Madagascar's tropical rain forest does not look bright because the government is not putting enough efforts into conserving the forest. 

In the data below the annual deforestation rate is shown in 2005-2010 compared to 200-2005. As we can see deforestation has increased by 36%. Deforestation rates continue to increased which shows that Madagascar efforts to protect the forest has not helped. 


Although the government has not done its job by conserving the forest they can still improve. Eco-tourism is the best way to conserve the tropical rain forest and bring revenue to the country. 50% percent of Madagascar's tourist visit the protected areas.The community benefits from sales of handicrafts, employment of posters,wildlife guides, park rangers, and workers in hotels, restaurants and lodges.Tourism brings jobs to local people and encourages the governmental to conserve the tropical rain forest. Madagascar's bio diversity attracts many people. People pay to enter parks which helps both the country's economy and the local people. 

Library Resource

Tourism being promoted in Madagascar
Scuba Diving deal

Madagascar's tropical Rainforest Coastal view
Madagascar's Beach

Future prospects for this ecosystem

Madagascar uses their rainforest for economic income which causes all the negative human impacts on the island. Their is other resources of income that can be done to conserve the ecosystem. Madagascar can improve their agricultural ways to make more money. Madagascar can prosper by harvesting renewable products to benefit its local people.  Rainforest have many plants that have anti-carcinogenic properties that are use for medical problems. In fact, 70 percent of the plants that carry anti-cancer characteristics are found only in tropical rainforest according to  U.S. National Cancer Institute. Madagascar's tropical rain forest can prosper in the future by focusing on the correct type of agriculture that will benefit the local people and others in the world. 


Monday, November 26, 2012

Current Human Impacts

Madagascar began being populated in 1896 by the french during the colonial period. Since than deforestation began in the tropical rainforest. Trees have been cut down for decades and the forest have disappeared. Population grew rapidly after the 1950's  The nation was poor so the deforestation occur due to economic struggles. Citizens prioritize their economic sustainability rather than the biodiversity

Deforestation is mainly related to cash cropping. Madagascar's main export is coffee and it has been for many years. Many of the farming land is use for coffee farming. Burning, grazing, logging, cattle ranching, mining, shifting cultivation and export crop production are a huge factor to deforestation in Madagascar as well.  Many of this were done even before the colonial period. "In addition to crops, the constructions of railroads and most of the operations relied heavily on timber, intensifying the demand for woods." 165,000 ha (100ha=1 km) forest is cut a year since the 1990's. Madagascar is home to 5% of the world species making it one of the most diverse places in the entire world. The deforestation is causing many rare plants and animals species to disappear rapidly.

Agriculture in a Tea Plantation 

Deforestation in Madagascar 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Historical state of the Madagascar's Tropical Rain Forest

Madagascar is currently the world's fourth largest island.Madagascar drifted from Africa 165 million years ago.Most of the island was covered by Tropical Rain forest and has lost 90% of its forest since the humans arrived. In only 35 years (1950-1985) one half of Madagascar's forest disappeared.  Madagascar had some unusual animals and plants due to its isolation but has lost a lot of its diversity over time.  Today's forest are separated throughout the eastern coast while before they were all united. Madagascar's tropical rainforest was home to many unique animals but over time the diversity has decreased dramatically. The tropical rain forest was populated by a more diverse group of tress that were packed together and more green. 

Historic and Present Madagascar

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Map of the Study Area

Madagascar's Tropical Rainforest 

Madagascar, an island, is located on the continent of Africa. 

Madagascar Vegetation Map

Tropical Rain Forest Located on the east coast